Extremist Content and the ICT Sector – Launching a GNI Policy Dialogue

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July 1, 2015  |  News, Policy

In the months since the terrorist attacks in Paris and Copenhagen, the debate over the role of information and communication technology (ICT) companies in removing alleged terrorist or extremist online content has accelerated significantly.

The Global Network Initiative (GNI), while acknowledging the legitimate national security and law enforcement obligations of governments, is concerned that the rush to adopt laws and policies that increase government pressure or requirements on companies to restrict or remove content may have serious consequences for freedom of expression and may not be effective in countering violent extremism and stemming recruitment by organizations such as ISIS.

GNI has published a short document setting out key questions and considerations to inform debate and foster collaboration on this issue.

GNI encourages governments and intergovernmental organizations to consult broadly with affected stakeholders, experts and the public to address and resolve important questions as they consider these measures. As part of GNI’s shared learning and policy engagement, we will focus on this issue during the coming months, and develop a policy and learning agenda that brings together our participants to explore the following key questions.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in engaging with us on this topic.

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