The Global Network Initiative (GNI) is pleased to announce that the civil society organization El Instituto Panameño de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías (Panamanian Institute of Law and New Technologies, or IPANDETEC), a digital rights organization based in Panama City, Panama, has joined GNI.
“We contribute to the development of new laws aligned with the current privacy, freedom of expression, and transparency needs in Panama and the rest of Central America. By joining GNI, we will continue working to improve and promote digital human rights policies in the region,” said Executive Director Lia Hernández.
IPANDETEC has become a leading voice on digital rights in Central America. They co-convened the 2018 and 2019 Forum on Privacy and Data Protection in Central America and are key contributors to the Latin America and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum and the Panama Internet Governance Forum. They promote the use and regulation of information communications and technology and the protection of digital rights through research, learning opportunities, and strategic partnerships at national, regional, and international levels. In 2019, IPANDETEC was one of the six civil society organizations to join the GNI-Internews Fellowship Program.
“GNI welcomes IPANDETEC’s expertise monitoring and analyzing Internet policies and legislation with a focus on gender, cybersecurity, and data protection,” said GNI Executive Director Judith Lichtenberg.