Today, the Global Network Initiative (GNI), the UN B-Tech Project, and Humane Intelligence are publishing a high-level summary of the key takeaways from our workshop on algorithmic risk assessments and human rights, and implications for audits, hosted at the EU Delegation to the UN in Geneva on May 30, 2024.
The workshop set out to understand the risks that algorithms can pose to human rights, and the roles of assessments and audits in identifying and mitigating those risks. The event was held on the margins of the International Telecommunications Union’s World Summit on the Information Society Forum and AI for Good Summit and over 60 experts from civil society, corporate, and government backgrounds attended.
The report summarizes key takeaways, which could be fruitful for further discussion by the participating organizations and the field at large. Hence, the discussed themes are not an exhaustive list, and are instead a summary of expert views regarding responsible practices for risk assessments.